Message from Dr. Megan Pickens

It’s Your Time!

Calling all High Achieving Black Women (HABW™) who are ready to embrace their true potential and overcome the challenges holding them back! If you’ve been struggling with negative beliefs, boundaries, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, or the lasting effects of emotional abuse, family influences, or relationship trauma, I’m here to offer my support and guidance. Together, we’ll work towards empowering you to confidently express yourself, ask for what you need, and find your way forward. Through personalized coaching, we’ll navigate the path towards healing and growth, helping you reclaim your authentic self and create a life filled with joy, self-acceptance, and healthy boundaries. It’s time to let go of self-doubt and step into a future where you thrive and shine!

Dr. Megan waving at you with both hands

Welcome to the HABW™ Movement

Dear High Achieving Black Women,

Welcome to a space where we understand and address the challenges you face as successful black women. As someone who has overcome similar hurdles, I am here to guide you towards growth and empowerment. Through my personal journey, I have learned the art of setting boundaries and advocating for oneself, and now I am passionate about helping you do the same.

My mission is to provide you with the tools and support necessary to navigate the complexities of boundary-setting in your professional and personal lives. Together, we will break free from patterns that no longer serve us, empowering you to create a life that aligns with your true self. Join our community of resilient women, where we foster growth and sisterhood.

Discover the transformative power of setting boundaries with a dedicated coach who has faced and conquered the challenges you face today. Invest in yourself and embrace your true potential. Together, we will rise above the challenges, advocate for our needs, and create the lives we deserve.

Join me on this journey towards empowerment. Together, we will thrive.

With love and support,

Dr. Megan

What I Offer

Individual Coaching

A transformative experience for High Achieving Black Women (HABW™) seeking to set boundaries and unleash their full potential. Through personalized guidance and support, Dr. Mēgan empowers individuals to navigate challenges, find their voice, and confidently advocate for their needs in all aspects of their lives.

A supportive and empowering space for High Achieving Black Women (HABW™) to come together, share experiences, and grow collectively. Through this transformative journey, individuals gain valuable insights, develop effective boundary-setting strategies, and build a strong network of like-minded women, fostering resilience, sisterhood, and personal empowerment.

Come together in a nurturing and transformative environment. Through creative and experiential techniques, these circles provide a space for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. Together, we embark on a journey of healing, embracing our inner strength, and unlocking our limitless potential.

Immerse yourself in a transformative retreat led by Dr. Mēgan, tailored specifically for High Achieving Black Women (HABW™). This rejuvenating experience offers a sanctuary for self-discovery, personal growth, and boundary-setting, combining enriching workshops, healing practices, and connection with like-minded women. Escape the demands of everyday life and embark on a journey of renewal, empowerment, and lasting transformation in a supportive and inspiring retreat setting.

Find Victory and Community for HABW™

Together, we’ll celebrate your achievements, big or small, and uplift each other through shared experiences and triumphs. Our community is a safe space where you can freely express yourself, share your challenges, and receive encouragement from others who have walked a similar path.

Authenticity and Transparency

Embark on a transformative journey of embracing authenticity and cultivating transparency in your personal and professional life. Discover the liberating power of living true to yourself, fostering genuine connections, and creating an environment where honesty and openness thrive. Unleash your true potential as you confidently navigate life with authenticity, transparency, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Empowering Family Dynamics

Learn empowering techniques to establish and maintain healthy boundaries with family members, allowing you to assert your needs and aspirations confidently. Gain valuable insights and practical tools to navigate familial expectations and pressures, creating a harmonious environment that nurtures your personal growth and empowers you to live authentically.

Embracing Personal Freedom

Gain a newfound awareness of the influence that societal expectations and stereotypes can have on your confidence and behavior as a High Achieving Black Woman (HABW™). Unlock the power to break free from these constraints, embrace your authentic self, and confidently navigate the world on your own terms, empowered to defy societal norms and create a life that celebrates your unique strengths and aspirations.

Thriving Social Network

Unleash the transformative strength of seeking social support and connect with a community that champions your growth. Embrace the power of collective encouragement, inspiration, and shared experiences, allowing you to thrive and cultivate a life of resilience, fulfillment, and authentic connections. Together, we will nurture an environment that fosters personal empowerment, creating a network of support where we can flourish and exceed our own expectations.

My Vision

Our Journey Together: Creating Community, Healing, and Growth

Together, we embark on a transformative journey where we will create a vibrant and supportive community focused on healing, connection, and personal growth. Through engaging content, interactive discussions, and collaborative activities, we will establish a safe and inclusive space where you will feel valued and heard. Get ready to experience the power of self-discovery and healing as we navigate this transformative journey, fostering personal empowerment and mutual support. Join our community that celebrates authenticity and personal growth, offering you a transformative experience as you seek empowerment, belonging, and personal transformation.

What Makes Coaching

with Me Unique

Immerse yourself in an exclusive coaching experience crafted specifically for HABW™ dedicated to their personal and career development.

I offer elite coaching for HABW™ seeking personalized growth and development. With exceptional value and customized strategies, my exclusive coaching empowers you to enhance your personal and professional life.

I understand the unique needs of high-achieving Black women. My coaching considers the cultural and contextual factors that influence your journey, offering a culturally informed and resonant experience.

I use evidence-based strategies, grounded in research-backed techniques, to help you establish boundaries, practice self-care, and develop strong relationship skills. By incorporating these proven methods into our sessions, I provide you with effective tools for growth and success.

My coaching focuses on equipping you with lifelong skills that go beyond our sessions. I provide practical tools and techniques to help you navigate personal and professional challenges now and in the future. These skills empower you to lead a fulfilling and balanced life.

Wisdom she wrote

My Blog

A 1st Marriage Story

A 1st Marriage Story

Depression Isn't Just Sitting in a Dark RoomDepression has a stigma; I must admit it. Especially in the Black and other communities with People of Color (POC). I remember even saying to myself, “I don’t have time to be depressed; I have a kid to raise and work to do.”...

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