Supervisor Certification and Trainings

Supervisor training is for aspiring supervisors and those looking to enhance their supervision skills.

40 Hour Certification

Embark on a transformative journey with our 40-hour certification course for aspiring supervisors. Combining self-paced study with interactive sessions, this program equips you with essential skills and knowledge to excel in guiding future mental health professionals.


1, 2, 3 Hour Courses

Refine your expertise in shorter, targeted modules with our range of 1, 2, and 3-hour courses. Whether you’re looking to brush up on specific skills or delve into focused topics without the commitment of a full-day session, our flexible offerings provide convenient learning tailored to your schedule and learning needs. Deepen your understanding in condensed sessions

3 Courses

6 Hour Refresher Courses

Dive into focused learning with our dynamic 6-hour courses. Designed to enhance specific areas of supervision practice, each session delves deep into critical topics such as supervision frameworks, creating your practice, and multicultural competency. 


Intensives and Retreats

Dive into our Supervisor Retreats and Intensive Training, where clinical leaders sharpen their supervisory skills and rejuvenate their passion. Our programs offer interactive learning and expert insights in a serene setting. Perfect for both seasoned supervisors and new leaders, these retreats offer a unique mix of professional development and personal renewal. 

2 Courses

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